The aim of the company has always been to encourage and guide new writers and therefore in 1986 we launched a Self-Publishing Service for authors wishing to publish their own work.


  • We are sure you will appreciate that we require actual sight of the complete manuscript in order to place before you an accurate and fully detailed quotation. We are able to accept your manuscript on hard copy, on computer disk, on memory stick or as an email attachment. The work should be saved as one file.
  • Our Editor will be pleased to revise your manuscript in respect of spelling and punctuation, taking into consideration any special wishes you may have. On request the revised manuscript will be sent for your approval, at which stage any minor modifications can be made free of charge. A proof, in book form, will be sent to you to ensure everything is to your full satisfaction.
  • Our graphics department will create an individual, full colour design for the cover and we will be happy to discuss any of your requirements. The cover will be laminated with a high gloss film to enhance the appearance and durability of the book.
  • We will apply for an International Standard Book Number on your behalf, which will also be printed in bar-code form on the back cover. Details of your book will be sent to Nielsen Book Data for inclusion in their database used by the bookselling trade. This information is used by bookshops and wholesalers for ordering purposes. Similar details will also appear in the British National Bibliography.
  • Copies will also be sent to the British Library and five University Libraries to secure the copyright which will remain your own property.

If you feel this service does not meet your requirements we can arrange a special quotation to produce your book as a Private Limited Edition for personal distribution.