Established by
Arthur Henry Stockwell in 1898

Arthur Henry Stockwell
The company of Arthur H Stockwell was established as a publisher of books and music in 1898 by Arthur Henry Stockwell, with the registered address at Ludgate Hill in London.
Twenty-seven years later, in 1925, it was incorporated into a limited company, with the first managing director being Arthur Henry Stockwell and the remaining director positions held by his sons, T A Stockwell, P A Stockwell and J P Stockwell.
During the Battle of Britain in the Second World War, the Luftwaffe launched a heavy night-time air raid on London and the company office suffered catastrophic damage in the same attack that the dome of St Paul’s Cathedral was hit by a Nazi bomb, leaving the high altar in ruin.
Fearing for their safety, a decision was made by the management to move to Ilfracombe in North Devon, an area well-known to them. The whole family relocated to a large country house beneath the famous Torrs Walks of Ilfracombe and not far from the Bristol Channel, from where the firm was successfully run until 2022, when the offices were relocated to Bedfordshire, while still retaining some of the prior employees services.
In 1964 the directorship of the company was passed to the next generation, and D P Stockwell, who took over the reins with a young man’s outlook on life and an eye to the future, deciding that production of the books as well as publication was the way forward. The company flourished and expanded during the 1970s and 80s, introducing new services to authors as well as producing quality books.
The world of printing and publishing is ever changing and Arthur H Stockwell Ltd evolved to progress with the technology and introduction of computers, not only with equipment but also with management. New concepts and ideas are imperative in competitive business, and this approach was provided by the latest generation of the family, who have run the company with the same ideals and high standards as their forefathers, to provide a personal, comprehensive service.

The Ilfracombe Offices
It would have been unimaginable to Arthur Henry Stockwell that books could be read as digital text on a computer screen, but with the introduction of e-books in early 2012, Arthur H Stockwell Ltd was offering exactly this option, via another family run partner company, Andrews UK Limited itself a decades old book publisher and distributor. In 2022 with the retirement of many of the Stockwell family, the company was moved into the safe care of the Andrews family, itself now being run by a second generation, who have continued to offer the same high-quality service, support and partnership with authors, and who intend to carry on this tradition through the next generation, and second century of Arthur H Stockwell Ltd.
The aim of the company has always been to encourage and guide new writers, whether in print or digitally, and we look to the future of authors, books and reading for all wherever that journey takes us all.
Arthur H Stockwell Ltd looks back with pride to over a century of book publishing and forward to assisting every exciting new author to call upon their services.
Main Publishing Service
Become an author – we will guide you through every step of the book including production, promotion and sales.
Self Publishing
Our full artisan publishing service, just without promotion / sales.
Private Limited Editions
Our traditional book production service for as few as 10 copies – without sales or distribution.
Cover Graphics
Individual full colour design by our graphics department.
Worldwide Delivery
We can ship your book all over the world.
Sell Online
Your book will be for sale on Amazon & Waterstones and can be ordered by bookshops.